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Re: st: Top ten tricks

From   Fred Wolfe <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Top ten tricks
Date   Fri, 21 May 2004 15:40:10 -0500

At 03:10 PM 5/21/2004, you wrote:

Clearly, people are taking this too seriously. Here are some additional top 10s.

1) exit, clear
2) [a combined command]
set rmsg on
gllamm varlist,options // check again in 8 hours
3) help graph, really
4) break break break break (while in a foreach loop with capture on)



I'm going to cheat my way to meet your challenge. First, the 'official' bit:

 (1) -tab-, particularly with use of the -all- option
 (2) -gen-
 (3) the versatile options of -reg-, particularly -beta- and -hc3-
 (4) -graph twoway-, particularly its -lfit- options
 (5) -est table-
 (6) -xi:-
 (7) -insheet-
 (8) -ssc install-

In addition, I'll nominate some user-written commands:

 (9) -outreg- (very versatile)
(10) -margin- (very fast)
(11) -collin- (very generous amounts of well-organised output)

OK, so I've named my top _11_ Stata commands and three of them are
'unofficial'. But that's my testament to how useful I've found Stata in my
eight months of usage. And anyway, who's gonna stop me?

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Fred Wolfe
National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases
Wichita, Kansas
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