We had the same problem recently. Derek Wagner of StataCorp
sent me this:
After testing the problem, it appears that -graph matrix- doesn't like
a single upper-case letter as a variable label. I have forwarded the
issue on to Vince, so hopefully there will be a change in the next update.
In the meantime, you could graph your results by either getting rid of the
variable labels (especially B, K, V, etc.) or change them to lower-case.
This seems consistent with what you did, as your copies
produced by -generate- are born without variable labels.
[email protected]
Andrzej Tomaszewski
> I found that graph matrix reports error when it is run with
> some variables
> (I have noticed it only with integer variables), and then all
> is working
> after generating new variable equal to the troublesome one
> (with the same
> or different data type).
> I have reported the bug on the Stata Users Meeting in Berlin
> earlier this
> year and according to his answer I've sent an e-mail to Alan
> Riley at
> StataCorp, but I haven't got any answer to that one.
> I hoped that it will be dealt with in the next large update,
> but in the
> update of 18 May 2004 (admittedly large and very useful for me) the
> problem is persistent.
> Please find below the code with use of exemplary dataset based on
> "Regression analysis by example" by S. Chatterjee, A.S. Hadi
> and B. Price.
> -
> log:
> . use http://www.wne.uw.edu.pl/tomaszewski/xy.dta, clear
> . d y x1 x2
> storage display value
> variable name type format label variable label
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------
> y int %8.0g Y
> x1 int %8.0g X1
> x2 int %8.0g X2
> . graph matrix y x1 x2
> invalid syntax
> invalid syntax
> invalid syntax
> r(198);
> . gen int y1=y
> . graph matrix y1 x1 x2
> <beautiful graph - AT>
> . gen float y2=y
> . graph matrix y2 x1 x2
> <again beautiful graph - AT>
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