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Re: st: Kappa programming challenge...

From   Joseph Coveney <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Kappa programming challenge...
Date   Thu, 20 May 2004 10:06:33 +0900

I'm not familiar with Lin's coefficient of concordance.  The help file for 
-concord- states that Lin's coefficient is for continuous variables.  

The command does allow frequency weights, which I suppose would warrant 
inference that it's suitable for use with limited-dependent-value data, such as 
rating scales.  

Kendall's coefficient of concordance has always sprung to mind in the past as 
the alternative to Cohen's weighted kappa coefficient in situations of inter-
rater agreement with ordered categorical variables.  

Should I switch--is there a reason to prefer Lin's coefficient in these kinds 
of situations?  

The reason that I'm asking is that I couldn't find any guidance on this in its 
description in the _Stata Technical Bulletin_.

Joseph Coveney


Ronan Conroy wrote:

> [email protected] wrote:

> All ratings are on a 1 to 7 scale with end anchors along
> the lines of 'rubbish' and 'brilliant'.

Since the scale is ordered, what about Lin's concordance coefficient? I
prefer it, somehow, to weighting kappa.


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