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st: Re:

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re:
Date   Tue, 18 May 2004 16:35:20 -0400 (EDT)

I'm still a Stata novice, but I wonder if Stata knows that all your data
are numeric?  That is, type -describe- or -codebook- to see if Stata is
interpreting your data as numeric, or as text strings.

And do you have a lot of missing values?

And do you need a .use "C/...usnwr3.dta" command before your .reg command?

--Chris Ryan

> Hi,
> Hoping someone can help with the following problem:
> Followed these directions to get my data into Stata
> 1. How do I get information from Excel into Stata?
> Using your Windows or Macintosh computer,
> Start Excel.
> Enter data in rows and columns OR read in a previously-saved file.
> Highlight the data of interest, then pull down Edit and choose
> Copy.
> Start Stata and enter the data editor (type edit once Stata is
> running).
> Paste data into editor by pulling down Edit and choosing Paste
> Minor problem that saving is not an option from the pull-down
> menu, so I clicked on the disk.
> Now here is the real problem:
>  . edit
>  (32 vars, 50 obs pasted into editor)
>  - preserve
>  . save "C:\Documents and Settings\Cheryl Spinner\Cheryl Spinner\My
>  Documents\Columbia\Thesis\usnwr3.dta"
> file C:\Documents and Settings\Cheryl Spinner\Cheryl Spinner\My
> Documents\Columbia\Thesis\usnwr3.dta saved
>  . reg overallscore endowment
>  no observations
>  r(2000);
> If 50 obs are pasted in, how come there are no observations?
> All my data except for headers are numeric values.
> What am I doing wrong and what do I need to do?
> Thank you,
> cheryl
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