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st: Stata output in prosper (LaTeX presentation)

From   Sophia Rabe-Hesketh <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Stata output in prosper (LaTeX presentation)
Date   Sun, 16 May 2004 16:14:41 -0700

I am trying to include Stata output in a presentation
produced using the LaTeX class prosper. The output
was created using -sjlog- and I am using the Stata
package stata.sty with the LaTeX environment stlog.

The problem is that the horizontal lines around
regression tables (produced using \HLI ) are magnified
so much that they wrap over to the next line.
I can manipulate the size of the fonts but not the
size of the horizontal (and vertical) lines.

Does anyone know any way around this? Ideally, it
would be good to be able to scale the whole output
(font sizes and line lengths/thicknesses) by some

By the way, using the slitex class, only the
fonts are magnified while the lines appear
to stay the same as usual.

Any suggestions welcome!


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