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st: competing risk models

From   Wesley Sine <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: competing risk models
Date   Fri, 14 May 2004 16:50:57 -0400


I am trying to run a competing risks event history model using stata. Once firms enter the sample, they are at risk for three possible outcomes (technology adoption). I want to see if a list of various independent variables affect the rate for these outcomes in different ways, maybe in the same direction, but differential impact. So in the output I should get a set of coefficients (which I think decomposes to the probability of the destination state * the overall rate) for each potential outcome. In TDA, the command is rate and then specify the outcome and independent variables for each potential outcome (in my case 3 outcomes). I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to do this with stcox?



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