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Re: st: cox model with AIC

From   May Boggess <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: cox model with AIC
Date   13 May 2004 13:18:53 -0500

On Wednesday Cathy asked:

> how can I get the AIC when using COX model.
> stcox... did not show me AIC. what option should I
> use? thanks!

You can use the command -estimates table- after nearly all estimation
commands, to compute the AIC and BIC, as follows:

 sysuse cancer
 stset  st, f(di)
 stcox age drug
 estimates store A
 estimates table A, stats(aic bic)

If you have more than one model, you can get the all the AIC's in one

 sysuse cancer
 stset  st, f(di)
 stcox age drug
 estimates store A
 stcox age  
 estimates store B
 estimates table _all, stats(aic)

-- May
[email protected]

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