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st: RE: Problems transferring data from excel to stata!

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Problems transferring data from excel to stata!
Date   Tue, 11 May 2004 18:05:32 +0100

Have you looked at ? 

In addition, Stata sometimes gets confused by " characters
within spreadsheet fields. 

[email protected] 

Andrea Molinari

> I have a very simple (?) question, in the hope of getting any
> suggestions....
> While transferring data from Excel onto Stata (using 
> Stat/Transfer v.5), my
> .dta file has a couple extra rows and three more variables 
> which are NOT in
> my excel file. If I de-select these three variables, then the 
> data on my
> first variable (which is a string) disappears.
> I tried by copying all the data in values on a new 
> spreadsheet but the same
> thing happens... I am puzzled because this did not happen to me before
> (using the SAME database!)

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