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Re: st: Please help!

From   Lars Korsholm <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Please help!
Date   Tue, 11 May 2004 15:22:40 +0200 (MEST)


gen tus=dateout-datein

gen tus=dateout-datein in 108/215

however heading for K-M curves other persones have done the "dirty job"
help sts

Best Lars

On Tue, 11 May 2004, Lisa Sharwood wrote:

> Hello and thank you for attending to my enquiry!!
> I am a very new Stata user and plowing through the user guide and 
> reference manuals to try and perform a calculation.... and I need 
> help please!
> I have two variables for which I have converted the list of dates 
> into real elapsed dates. I want to subtract one from the other and 
> thus generate a new variable with that figure.. which will give me 
> the amount of time the person has stayed in the study. I have managed 
> to
> 'compare' the two variables but only in one observation at a time. 
> Could you please tell me how to do it for all the observations, and 
> can I use 'in 108/215'  for example.
> I hope this is understandable and I hope to hear from you soon. My 
> ultimate aim is to perform Kaplan Mieir survival analysis on the data.
> Thank you
> Lisa Sharwood
> Research Officer
> Neurosciences Institute, Austin Health
> Melbourne University
> [email protected]
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: Lars Korsholm Ph.D.,                       :
:  Department of Statistics                  :
:  University of Southern Denmark            :
:  Sdr. Boulevard 23A, 2.                    :
:  DK-5000 Odense C                          :
: Phone +45 6550 3608 (or 3868)              :
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