On Tue, 11 May 2004, joe J. wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a labour productivity equation which is in log-log form, i.e.,
> lnQ-lnL=LnK+....
> I want to add a dummy variable and a time trend (categorical variables) to
You will have trouble taking the log of zero, but even assuming you change
the dummy to be 1/2 instead of 0/1 it is unhelpfull to log the value. This
would be equivalent to have a dummy variable of log(1) or log(2), which
will cause the estimated coefficient on that variable to be different, but
won't change any t-statistic or coefficient on any other variable.
The time trend without logs estimates a constant percentage change in the
underlying dependent variable per time period. If you logged time, then
you would be estimating a relationship in which instead of a constant
growth rate, there was a growth rate constant in the log of time, which
seems pretty odd. After all, it would depend on when "time started".
> the basic model. My question is should these two variables be also used in
> log-form or not?
> Thanks for any pointers.
> Joe
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