Fred Wolfe <[email protected]> reported a problem
with -by ...: ci- when both -exposure()- and -total- were
specified. Nick Cox <[email protected]> correctly pinpointed
the code in -ci- causing the problem.
> I think Fred is correct. At first glance, the
> problem lies in the code
> if _by() & _bylastcall() & "`total'"!="" {
> di _n in gr _dup(79) "_" _n "-> Total"
> if "`level'"!="" {
> local level "level(`level')"
> }
> if "`exposur'"!="" {
> local exposur "exposure(`exposur')"
> }
> ci `varlist' if `alluse' `weight', /*
> */ `level' `poisson' `binomia' `exposur'
> return clear
> ret add
> }
> in which the lines
> if "`exposur'"!="" {
> local exposur "exposure(`exposur')"
> }
> have the effect (in his case) of converting the option
> call internally to
> exposure(ex(duration))
> The error message doesn't really point in the right
> direction here.
A fix for -ci- will appear in one of the upcoming ado updates.
Ken Higbee [email protected]
StataCorp 1-800-STATAPC
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