Dear Statalisters
I am using gllamm to estimate a conditional logit model with two random
parameters and three categories/alternatives with Stata 7.
gllamm altexp s8_Years s9_Years c8 c9 if z==1, nocons expand (altij choice
o) base(0) i(group) link(mlogit) fam(binomial) nrf(2) eqs(s8_Ye s9_Ye)
nip(3) trace
After convergence, I have no problem getting the results displayed in a
regression table using gllamm allc.
However, I am getting an error r(198) when I tried to used the gllapred
gllapred prob, mu marginal
(mu will be stored in prob)
invalid syntax
Thanks a lot in advance for any help
Adrian Gonzalez
Ph.D Candidate
Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics
The Ohio State University
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