The version downloaded from ssc has apparently been updated since gr34.3 and
works fine on a Mac (Stata 8.2, PowerBook G4, Panther 10.3.3).
. which venndiag
*! Venn Diagram graphs V 2.13 JM.Lauritsen (STB-xx: gr34.4)
*! v 2.13 correction of clear versus drop _all for Stata8
*! v 2.12 correction related to tempfile
*! dec1999 enhanced design (Stata 6 STB54, gr34.3 v2.11)
*! (Martin Villumsen sorted out mathematics on ellipses)
*! STB-47/48/49 gr34.2 (stata 5)
Morten Andersen
Morten Andersen, MD, PhD Research Unit of General Practice
Senior Researcher University of Southern Denmark
Phone +45 6550 3791 Winsloewparken 19
Fax +45 6311 1642� DK-5000 Odense C
E-mail [email protected] Denmark
> From: Thomas Trikalinos (.Mac) <[email protected]>
> Reply-To: [email protected]
> Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 10:55:26 +0300
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: Venn diagram
> Most probably. Windows version works fine.
> On May 5, 2004, at 10:39, Michael Ingre wrote:
>> On 2004-05-05, at 09.20, Thomas Trikalinos (.Mac) wrote:
>>> Friedrich and James,
>>> . sysuse auto
>>> . venndiag rep78 foreign
>>> produces a short-lived graph in my computer that vanishes as soon as
>>> it is drawn. This does not happen with the 1st version of the
>>> venndiag.ado file, which works OK; It happens only with the last
>>> version (stb54 , gr34.3).
>>> I'm running a fully updated Intercooled STATA 8.2 on a PowerBook G4
>>> laptop (Panther).
>> I experience the same thing with the last version (STB-54: gr34.3) on
>> my Mac (iMac G4 with Panther). It might be Mac (or Panther) related.
>> Michael
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