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st: RE: Moving Medians

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Moving Medians
Date   Mon, 3 May 2004 20:12:04 +0100

There are user-written -egen- functions for row medians, 
but these are not appropriate for panel data. Kevin 
Crow has written a -egen- function for moving medians, 
but on the whole I guess that the tool closest to 
your needs is -mvsumm- from SSC, whose first author 
is Kit Baum. 

All this can be found out by using -findit- with 
key words. 

[email protected]
> I need to calculate the moving median from the previous 12 months for
> each country in a panel.  Does anyone have any suggestions for an
> elegant way to do that.  Is there a Stata 7 command which would let
> me calculate the median across several variables (i.e median(v1 v2
> v3) would be the row median of the values for v1 v2 and v3 in a given
> row)?

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