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Re: st: buying new computer, suggestions?

From   David Kantor <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: buying new computer, suggestions?
Date   Thu, 29 Apr 2004 10:18:26 -0400

At 05:03 PM 4/28/2004 -0500, Richard Boylan wrote:
I need to buy a new computer. The only times when speed ends up mattering is when I use STATA and merge very large datasets, use GLAMM, or use mfx. I was looking at the Dell Precision Workstation, and I saw a very large set of options in terms of processors, hard drives, and so on, and I have no idea what options matter given the tasks that I listed above and which do not. Does anyone have any advice?

Thanks. Richard
I'm no expert on this, but my suspicion is that for the tasks you describe, it is more important to have plenty of memory, rather than to have a super-fast processor. The reverse is true for the hard drive; it may help to have a hard drive with faster access rather than greater capacity; in my case, I chose a slightly smaller but faster hard drive. (Both memory and disk space can be expanded later, anyway.)

I hope this helps.
-- David

David Kantor
Institute for Policy Studies
Johns Hopkins University
[email protected]

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