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st: xtabond

From   "Antonio Rodrigues Andres" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: xtabond
Date   Sun, 25 Apr 2004 16:56:34 +0200

Dear Stata users

I am trying to estimate a dynamic panel data model where the lagged
value of the endogenous variables is used as further regressor. The
right command should be xtabond in STATA. I did it but I got the
following message:

Does anybody know 

I am using an unbalanced panel data where countries are not observed
consecutively. I dont know if this may cause a serious problem.

tsset country year
       panel variable:  country, 1 to 21
        time variable:  year, 1950 to 1998, but with gaps

. xtabond srt gini income, lag(1)
matsize too small
    You have attempted to create a matrix with more than 800 rows or
columns or to estimate a model with more than 800
    variables plus ancillary parameters.  You need to increase matsize
using the set matsize command; see help matsize.
matsize must be at least 1061
(you have 1061 instruments)


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