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Re: st: Stata (gllamm) benchmarks for different platforms?

From   Doug Owens <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stata (gllamm) benchmarks for different platforms?
Date   Fri, 23 Apr 2004 18:29:42 -0500

I lost track of who was speaking for each part here, but no matter:

I can manage to do the switch to Linux. But I would not want it for my everyday work. Do you think it is possible to use the Opteron/Linux system as a remote server and submit jobs to it from Stata on another computer (My Mac, and My colleagues Macs and PCs)? Or is it only available from the command line?
I think it is possible to use the Linux box as a remote server and submit Stata jobs to it; but you would need to ascertain that with someone who knows more about setting that up than I do. In fact, Stata tech support probably could tell you.

I typically do this.

I use putty to establish an ssh connection to the server from my winXP box, and then I usually run stata for linux (suse9, dual opteron) in console mode.

If I want to use the stata gui I just make sure cygwin has started locally and the xserver for cygwin has also started. Then starting xstata on the server brings up the windows for viewing graphs, etc.

The sharpness of the graphics is reduced compared to running stata directly on the windows box, but I believe that is the fault of the cygwin xwindows server, rather than stata.

the only complaint I have is I cannot -graph use- .gph files that are on the server when I am running stata locally. Nor does double clicking on them in my network neighborhood work. I have to copy them over to the local hard disk. Other programs (Excel, etc) on the local winXP box can access files on the server directly (via samba).

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