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st: Re: Ginidesc

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   D Jimenez Rubio <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: Ginidesc
Date   Fri, 23 Apr 2004 11:46:03 -0400

Dear Dolores

I am not familiar with this user-written command, but it is never possible to use non-integer frequency weights in any context. Analytical weights may be non-integer (but must be positive, I believe).

It appears that the ginidesc routine has an error in its handling of weights, in that if one specifies analytical weights, it indicates that they are being treated as frequency weights:

. ginidesc invest [aw=lk], by(company)
may not use noninteger frequency weights

I believe this is being caused by lines such as

ineqdeco `inc' [w = `wi'] if `bb'==`i'
qui ineqdeco `inc' [w = `wi']

in which the weight type is not being specified. It appears that ineqdeco's "natural" weight type is fw, so that if not specified, it takes the weights as fws. This is not ineqdeco's fault; it is not being passed the information as to weight type.

You might modify a copy of ginidesc, and/or contact the authors of ginidesc and encourage that they release a corrected version of the program.

Best wishes

On Apr 23, 2004, at 11:33 AM, D Jimenez Rubio wrote:

Dear Prof. Baum,

I am using the stata command ginidesc. However, I get an error when
trying to set weights in the analysis. Specifically, what I write in
Stata is:

ginidesc hui [fw=iwt] , by(incgr) m(a1) gk(a2)

However, I get the following error:

may not use noninteger frequency weights

I get the same error message even if I set analytical weights instead of
frequency ones.

I would extremely appreciate any suggestions concerning this problem.

Thanks a lot in advance. Sincerely,

Dolores Jimenez Rubio
University of York (UK)

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