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Re: st: valid invalid syntax

From   Richard Williams <>
Subject   Re: st: valid invalid syntax
Date   Thu, 22 Apr 2004 08:34:55 -0500

At 09:07 AM 4/22/2004 -0400, Nick Winter wrote:
How interesting.

In fact, the comma seems to toggle back and forth between options and pre-option stuff. Check out, for example:

logit foreign mpg price weight , robust , if rep78>2 , or , in 1/72 , score(myscore)

which gives the same results as

logit foreign mpg price weight in 1/72 if rep78>2 , robust or score(myscore)

Undocumented feature? Bizarre bug?
Like Nick Cox said, it is documented, although this is the first I've heard of it. I actually rather like the logic of doing it this way:

commandname varlist, options, sample selection and weighting

That seems more natural and easier to read to me than mixing together the varlist and the sample selection/weighting info. For that matter, if I was writing Stata from scratch, I suspect I would have just made the -if- and -weight- parameters part of the options section of every command; again that seems more natural to me.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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