From | "Fabio Soares" <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: problem with bootstrap in Stata 8.2 |
Date | Mon, 19 Apr 2004 14:06:37 +0000 |
From: [email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)_________________________________________________________________
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: problem with bootstrap in Stata 8.2
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 16:42:22 -0500
Fabio Soares <[email protected]> is having trouble with the -bootstrap-
command and a user written program:
> I�m running a difference-in-difference propensity score program using logit
> and attnd commands and I didn�t manage to get the bootstrapped s.e. using
> the bootstrap command. Does anyone spot any mistake in the following code:
> capture program drop difatt
> program define difatt, rclass
> use favbar9100, clear
> drop if bairrinho==1 | nurb==1
> xi: logit fb dom91 agua91 esg91 lixo91 escm4_91 escm15_91 analf91 /*
> */ menor4_91 chmul91 up1sm_91 /*
> */ nmor91 mul91 chanalf91 amest_91 idade_91 ren_91
> i.RA
> predict pscore
> attnd rren_00 fb, pscore(pscore)
> scalar return difren00=r(attnd)
> attnd rren_91 fb, pscore(pscore)
> scalar return difren91=r(attnd)
> scalar return difren=r(difren00) - r(difren91)
> end
> bootstrap "difatt" difren=r(difren), reps(100)
Here are a few things I spotted:
1. If -bootstrap- is going to call -difatt-, -difatt- should not -use-
another dataset for analysis. It is -bootstrap-'s job to provide a
dataset for -difatt- to compute its results from.
2. -xi- should not be used within -difatt-. Similar to -use-,
generate the -xi- variables before calling -bootstrap-.
3. -rclass- commands return scalars using -return scalar- (not -scalar
Given the above comments, and to make -difatt- usable with other datasets,
here is another version of -difatt-:
*** BEGIN: difatt.ado
program define difatt, rclass
version 8.2
syntax varlist, OUTCOME1(varname) OUTCOME2(varname)
// identify the dependent variable
gettoken depvar : varlist
// fit a logit model
logit `varlist'
// generate the -pscore-
tempvar pscore
predict `pscore'
// compute -attnd- for -outcome1-
attnd `outcome1' `depvar', pscore(`pscore')
return scalar attnd1 = r(attnd)
// compute -attnd- for -outcome2-
attnd `outcome2' `depvar', pscore(`pscore')
return scalar attnd2 = r(attnd)
// compute the difference
return scalar difatt = return(attnd1) - return(attnd2)
*** END: difatt.ado
Here is a small do-file using the auto data to illustrate how to use -difatt-
with -bootstrap- and -xi-:
***** BEGIN:
sysuse auto
// generate some outcome vars for -attnd- calls within -difatt-
gen xx1 = uniform() < .3
gen xx2 = uniform() < .4
// generate some indicator variables
xi i.rep
// example of -difatt-'s new syntax
difatt for mpg turn _Irep78*, outcome1(xx1) outcome2(xx2)
di "r(difatt) = " r(difatt)
// bootstrap the result from -difatt-
bootstrap "difatt for mpg turn _Irep78*, outcome1(xx1) outcome2(xx2)" r(difatt)
***** END:
Give the new -difatt-, Fabio's do-file will look something like:
***** BEGIN: Fabio's do-file
// ... -- previous setup to read in data
xi i.RA
local xvars dom91 agua91 esg91 lixo91 escm4_91 escm15_91 analf91 ///
menor4_91 chmul91 up1sm_91 nmor91 mul91 chanalf91 amest_91 ///
idade_91 ren_91 _IRA*
bootstrap "difatt fb `xvars', outcome1(difren00) outcome2(difren91)" r(difatt)
***** END: Fabio's do-file
[email protected]
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