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st: convolution-idea

From   "Andreas Aschbacher" <>
Subject   st: convolution-idea
Date   Wed, 14 Apr 2004 20:58:35 +0200 (MEST)

Dear fellows !

in austrian centre of physics we choose Stata because of the possibility to
subgroups very easily on which I try to make statistic reflectings.
there are great possibilities to combine Stata with physics !!
nl-command is one of them,maximum-likelihood is shown very good in :
A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using Stata by Rabe-Hesketh and Everitt
please look  chapter 13.
now I am in "trouble":
I found a trivial possibility to convolute/make convolution integral /  with
excel -
even fit is possible very good.I have start values,constraints.....
I think there would be a possibility to write code in Stata in order
to imitate good old excel-solver.
once Nick told me to use denormix,which is very good,but we have to start
with our
discovery/radioactive exposition is a convolution of probabilities in human
population/ on a simple niveau.
I am fighting very hard,how should listers follow each step ?!
Therefore I'd like to ask if there is someone who would help me write some
code ?
Because of it is not possible to make attachment here,I would sent my
Excel-worksheet -
in the next days.
any help would be apprecited very much.

andreas aschbacher , austrian centre for radioactive measurements

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