From | Richard Williams <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: Interpolation using cipolate |
Date | Wed, 14 Apr 2004 07:14:49 -0500 |
At 11:41 AM 4/14/2004 +0000, you wrote:
Sorry for double postingI don't know about -cipolate-, but the docs for -ipolate- (reference manual G-M, pp. 182-183) say that Y is a function of X. The value for interpolated Y is computed using values from the surrounding Xs and Ys that are not missing.
Dear all,
A naive question. I just insalled cipolate to fill missing values for one variable. The documentation tells me that interpolation is done using two points before and two points after the missing value. That said, why is it that the procedure requires a second variable? In other words, for replacing missing values in variable y, why we need to include variable x in the command?
. cipolate y x, gen(yprime).
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