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st: How to refer to scalars with a wildcard

From   Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: How to refer to scalars with a wildcard
Date   Mon, 12 Apr 2004 09:37:25 -0700 (PDT)

Dear List Members,

I work with household survey data and would like to create summary
statistics disaggregated by gender, age and other characteristics. In
my do-file the summary statistics are stored as scalars and then
converted to a matrix. I encountered a problem with the disggregation
by age because I use varying age ranges. Let's assume I want to
summarize income by gender and age (for ages 20-24 in this case) with
the following data.

  age      male    income
   20         1         6
   21         1         7
   22         0         5
   23         0         9
   24         1         6

* Set start and end age (NOTE: THE AGES VARY);
scalar startage = 20;
scalar endage = 24;
* Summarize income by gender;
sum income if male==1;
scalar male = r(mean);
sum income if male==0;
scalar female = r(mean);
* Summarize income by age;
local start = 1;
local end = (endage - startage + 1);
forvalues i = `start'/`end' {;
  sum income if age==(`i'+startage-1);
  scalar age`i' = r(mean);

The problem is in the following step. Because I use varying age
ranges I cannot list all age variables individually (age1, age2,
age3, ...) but want to refer to them with a wildcard character.

drop _all;
matrix data = startage,endage,male,female,age*;
svmat data;

This leads to this error message:

  age* not found

Can the matrix be created without listing all scalars individually?

Thank you for your help.

Friedrich Huebler

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