Jonathan Falk <[email protected]> found a problem with
tabodds when it encountered numbers beyond what int storage type
could hold. His suggested fix is to use type long. He is
correct and the next ado update (probably the middle of next
week) will take care of it.
Nick Cox <[email protected]> in response to Jonathan gave some
good warnings about editing official Stata files. It is better
to copy them out to another directory, change their name and then
work on that copy. Even those of us here at StataCorp do not
edit files directly in the official directories. We copy them
out to another directory, do our editing and initial testing, and
then copy them to the top level of the UPDATES directory for
final testing before they get pushed down to the lettered sub
directories of the UPDATES directory.
Ken Higbee [email protected]
StataCorp 1-800-STATAPC
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