From | Richard Williams <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: Residuals in Logistic Regression |
Date | Fri, 09 Apr 2004 12:39:56 -0500 |
At 09:26 AM 4/9/2004 -0500, Richard Williams wrote:
I obviously don't understand how the residual statistics work in logistic regression. I have run a logistic regression of happymar (coded 0, 1) on church and female (also both 0, 1) and educ (years of education). I then use predict to get the deviance residuals (I get similar results if I use the rstandard or residuals options on predict). I get the following:To follow up on my own message: I ran the same logistic regression in SPSS, and its residuals statistics behave as I would expect, i.e. case 6 is not an outlier but cases 13 and 36 are. As far as I can tell, with Stata's logistic regression, the residuals produced by the -deviance-, -rstandard-, and -deviance- parameters on -predict- will all be the same for cases that have the same values on the covariates, regardless of whether they have the same value on the outcome measure. I imagine there is a logic behind this, but I don't know what it is, and it is not the same logic used by SPSS in computing residuals.
. extremes dev p happymar church female educ, nolabel high
| obs: dev p happymar church female educ |
| 43. 1.170689 .5039612 1 1 0 10 |
| 2. 1.394511 .3782007 1 0 1 10 |
| 6. 2.4859 .0858805 0 0 0 11 |
| 13. 2.4859 .0858805 1 0 0 11 |
| 36. 2.4859 .0858805 1 0 0 11 |
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