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st: tabodds.ado

From   "Falk, Jonathan" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: tabodds.ado
Date   Fri, 9 Apr 2004 12:13:02 -0400

I believe I have found (and corrected) a problem in tabodds.ado.  I have a
dataset in which one population has 37363 cases out of 176875 exposed.
tabodds reported zero exposed and zero cases for this group.  Examination of
the code revealed that local variables d and h are defined in the code as
int.  I modified the ado file to have these become long and the code appears
to run correctly.  I see no obvious reason that these variables need to be
integers beyond the fact that the programmer did not anticipate such large
samples.  Unless someone tells me I've done something wrong, I will keep
these changes... listed below.

                         CHANGE: qui gen int `h' = `binomial' - `myd' TO qui
gen long `h' = `binomial' - `myd' 
		 CHANGE: gen int `d' = `myd' * `W' if `touse'  TO gen long
`d' = `myd' * `W' if `touse'

Jonathan Falk
Vice President, NERA
1166 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 345-5315
Efax: (707) 922-0007
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clarification, avoid the  use of TLAs."


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