Hello All,
I have a svylogit question.
Here is my hypothetical:
Out of 20,000 patients I have a survey sample of 1000.
In this sample I have weights that represent the
racial mix of the complete population.
Here is the program:
svyset [pweight=weight], psu(ssn) strata(hospital)
svylogit recovered race age _Iyear* (year dummies)
Now if I decide to drop the hosiptals that have
complete failure (i.e. recovered=0 for all)
does re-running the svylogit still yield valid
results? In other words, do I have a weighting
problem from dropping, say, 50 observations because
they are from hospitals that had 0 recovery? By doing
this I eliminate stratid's with 1 observation (and
crashing my run).
What do you guys think?
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