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st: Survival graphs following stcox

From   "M.V. \(Trey\) Hood III" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Survival graphs following stcox
Date   Tue, 6 Apr 2004 13:41:05 -0400

I'm trying to draw a set of survival curves following an stcox model. Say
after stset something like:

stcox x1 x2 x3 x4 x5, robust strata(x6) cluster(x7)

I have a key variable of interest (say x1 in this case) that is binary and
so I want to plot one survival curve with the value on this variable set to
1 and another where the value is set to 0.  This seems easy enough using
something like:

sts graph, by(X1)

but this command does not take into account the effects of the other
covariates in the model above.

My question: How does one run an stcox model and then plot various survival
curves holding the effects of the x's at some level (their means) while
manipulating the values on another variable of interest.  This seems to be
easy to do following streg using the stcurv command, but not very
straightforward following stcox.  Am I missing something simple or has
somone come up with a solution for this question?

Thanks--Trey Hood, UGA

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