The result of this
egen When = concat(periodstart periodend), p("-")
gen when = ""
bysort country (When) : replace when = when[_n-1] + When + "," if _n < _N
by country : replace when = when[_n-1] + When if _n == _N
by country : gen last = _n == _N
list country when if last, noobs sep(0)
is this
| country when |
| Argentina 1986-1989,1990-1993,1994-1997,1998-2001 |
| Bolivia 1986-1989,1990-1993,1994-1997,1998-2001 |
| Botswana 1974-1977,1978-1981,1982-1985 |
You can also left-justify via -format-. Any use?
[email protected]
Jan Pettersson
> I have a list of the following form:
> country periodstart periodend
> Argentina 1986 1989
> Argentina 1990 1993
> Argentina 1994 1997
> Argentina 1998 2001
> Bolivia 1986 1989
> Bolivia 1990 1993
> Bolivia 1994 1997
> Bolivia 1998 2001
> Botswana 1974 1977
> Botswana 1978 1981
> Botswana 1982 1985
> etc.
> that I would like to present in a table looking like:
> Argentina (1986 - 1989, 1990 - 1993, 1994 - 1997, 1998 - 2001);
> Bolivia (1986 - 1989, 1990 - 1993, 1994 - 1997, 1998 - 2001);
> Botswana (1974 - 1977, 1978 - 1981, 1982 - 1985);
> etc.
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