Dear fellows !
is there apossibility to write line *9* in Stata-code -
I have written it in pseudocode,please look at line 9
. capture program drop nlfaq
. program nlfaq
1. if "`1'" == "?" {
2. global S_1 " A B C"
3. global A=1
4. global B=1
5. global C=1
6. exit
7. }
8. tempvar yh
9. gen `yh'= exp($A) + sum(from n =1 to 34)[n*cos($B)+ (n-1)*tan($B)] -
2 in 1
10. replace `yh'= $A/$B +$C^2-log($B) in 2
11. replace `yh'= $A/($A+$B+$C)- sin($C) in 3
12. replace `1' = `yh'
. end
. nl faq y
this would be very necessary for me because I could deconvolute with Stata
using modified Simpsonrule for computing integrals.
using LevenbergMarquardt with Stata is possible in physics,convolution-
is very easy too,the way back namely deconvolution would be possible too if
I could
compute this sum
any help would be appreciated very much
andreas aschbacher,greetings to all fanatic Stata users in the world
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