Dear fellows !
I tried much with the following program,but I can't understand :
'7.000000000000001' invalid obs no - as error message
I can't solve the problem by reading r(198)
set obs 100
tempname tempd1 tempd2
scalar `tempd1' = .1
di `tempd1'
g double conv =.
range d 0 10 101
forvalue i = 1/100 {
g u`i' =.
scalar `tempd2' = `i' * `tempd1'
di "tempd2 "
local f = (`tempd2'/.1)+1
di `f'
range x 0 `tempd2' `f'
gen double y = exp(-(`tempd2' -x) ^2/2)*.1/(x + .1)
integ y x,gen(Sy)
replace conv = Sy[`i' +1] in `i'
replace u`i' = y
drop Sy y x
twoway line conv d
any advice will be appreciated very much
andreas aschbacher
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