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st: expected survival new Stata command

From   Enzo Coviello <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: expected survival new Stata command
Date   Sat, 27 Mar 2004 19:27:23 +0100

Dear Stata friends,

Thanks to Kit Baum, there is a new command named -stexpect- downloadable from SSC. In Stata, use -findit- or -ssc- command to find out more.

stexpect computes expected survival probability after merging the data with a suitable file of "standard" rates. You must specify in ratevar(varname) a reference rate variable and in output(filename) a file where the estimates will be saved.

The users familiar with Therneau's and Grambsch's book, Modeling Survival Data Extending the Cox Model chap 10, will find implemented in this macro some methods here described and at present available using survexp function in R

Expected survival is used to produce an overall survival curve. This is then added to the Kaplan-Meier plot of the study group for visual comparison between these subjects and the population at large. Before estimating the expected survival we have to specify a different follow-up time for the study group according to three common methods of computing it.

In the Ederer or "exact" method the subjects in the study cohort are not censored or dead before the end of a stated follow-up time.
In the Hakulinen method, follow up time is the actual censoring time for those patients who are censored and the maximum potential follow up for those who die, i.e. the most optimistic last contact date.
Conditional method (or Ederer II) is simpler in respect of this, because follow-up time is what it actually is, either the subject dies or not.

A worked example using two ancillaries data files are included in the package.

I would be interested in any your comment, impression and feedback after the use of stexpect.

Best regards.


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