Just a couple of comments --
You use some strange syntax which appears to be allowed by Stata, but is
certainly not standard :
gen x = [_n]
is usually written: gen x=_n
replace d1 = Sy if [_n] == `i'
would be better written: replace d1 = Sy in `i'
Also, why do you generate x and x1 within the loop and then drop them at the
end of the loop just to recreate again at the top of the loop and finally
after the loop? -- they are always the same, aren't they?
Michael Blasnik
[email protected]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Aschbacher" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 5:55 AM
Subject: st: convolution/cumulative
> Dear fellows !
> maybe the following program is useful for someone:
> / computing convolution-integral and cumulative-function /
> I seek for possibilities to show that dosis-distributions in population
> are composed via convolution of two functions(lognormal ?)
> one function represents background - that is radioactivity which is
> always around us and not-naturally radioactivity which is for example
> radioactivity in a hospital.
> physically both allotments are the sum - but !!! probability-distribution
> human-population
> is - as we all suppose - composed via convolution.(Bayes-statistic)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+
> clear
> set more off
> set obs 100
> gen d1 =.
> scalar m1 = 3
> scalar m2 = 3.5
> forvalues i = 1(1)100 {
> gen x = [_n]
> gen x1 = x*.1
> local j = `i' * .1
> if `i' == 1 {
> local j = .11
> di `j'
> }
> di `j'
> di `j'
> gen double y = exp(-(log((`j') - x1) - m1 )^2/2) *exp(-(log((`j') - x1) -
> m2)^2/2)
> /standard-deviation = 1 for both /
> replace y = 0 if x1 > `j'
> di `j'
> integ y x1 ,gen(Sy)
> replace d1 = Sy if [_n] == `i'
> drop Sy y x x1
> }
> gen x = [_n]
> gen x1 = x*.1
> integ d1 x1,gen(Sy_1)
> twoway line d1 x1||line Sy_1 x1
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> greetings from austria
> andreas aschbacher
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