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Re: st: [Fwd: gen a between houshold id]

From   Edwin Leuven <>
To   "Hans J. Baumgartner" <>
Subject   Re: st: [Fwd: gen a between houshold id]
Date   Wed, 24 Mar 2004 17:31:50 +0100 (CET)

> Dear Statalist,
> Can anybody help me to generate a new variable that indicates the 
> household of the parents. To clarify my data:
> persnr    sex    V05001    vnr   v_hh
> 1          m       1        .      .                
> 2          f       1        .      .                
> 3          f       1        1      1          
> 4          f      11        1      1            

match parents to kids using psmatch2

g t = vnr<.
g p = persnr
replace p = vnr if t==1
psmatch2 t, ps(p)
sort _id
g v_hh = V05001[_n1]

(install psmatch2 using ssc)

> persnr is a person identifier (1 = the father, 2 = the mother, 3 = the 
> daughter that lives with the parents and 4 = the daughter that lives in 
> another household).
> vnr identifies the persnr of the father.
> I would like to generate a new variable v_hh that identifies the 
> houshold id (V05001) of the father. It is easy for the daughter that 
> lives with her parents but I find it quite difficult to generate the 
> between household link with the daughter that does not live with her 
> parents.
> I thus constructed a loop that is copy/pasted below. However, I do have 
> 21,000 obs. and I do have to run the loop twice, i.e. for both parents, 
> which takes more than 3 hours.
> Can anybody help me to generat faster between household links?
> And to make thinks even more complicated. I have more than two 
> generations in my data, that is, motherid and fatherid does not 
> necessarily be missing.
> I appreciate all comments.
> Thanks
> Hans
> =======================================================================================
> sort persnr
> gen id=_n                                /* generiert lfd. Nummer f�r 
> Schleife */
> sum id
> local end = r(max)                        /* generiert das Ende der 
> Schleife */
> etime, start
> /* Vater */
> gen v_hh1 =.
> gen v_hh2 =.
> gen v_kein=0
> forvalues x = 1/`end' {
>     if vnr[`x']>0 {                            
>         gen temp_i = vnr[`x']    if vnr[`x']>0  /* write vnr[i] for all 
> obs. */
>         gen temp_d   = (temp_i==persnr)         /* Dummy for father */
>         gen temp_hh= V05001 if temp_d==1        /* identifier for father 
> HH */
>         egen count=count(temp_hh)
>         error count>1                           /* error if >1 fathers */
>         replace v_kein=1 in `x' if count==0     /* Dummy if no father 
> found*/
>         egen temp_pic= max(temp_hh)             /* writes father HH for 
> all obs */
>         replace v_hh1 = temp_pic in `x' if HV[`x']==1 | partner[`x']==1  
> /* picks father HH (STM)  */
>         replace v_hh2 = temp_pic in `x' if HV[`x']==0 | partner[`x']==0  
> /* picks father HH (else)*/
>         drop temp_* count
>     }
> }
> etime
> -- 
> Hans J. Baumgartner 
> DIW Berlin
> German Institute for Economic Research
> Dept. Public Economics
> K�nigin-Luise-Str. 5; 14195 Berlin; Germany  
> Tel.: +49/30/89789-307; Fax.: +49/30/89789-114
> http://www.diw.de
> -- 
> Hans J. Baumgartner 
> DIW Berlin
> German Institute for Economic Research
> Dept. Public Economics
> K�nigin-Luise-Str. 5; 14195 Berlin; Germany  
> Tel.: +49/30/89789-307; Fax.: +49/30/89789-114
> -- 
> Hans J. Baumgartner 
> DIW Berlin
> German Institute for Economic Research
> Dept. Public Economics
> K�nigin-Luise-Str. 5; 14195 Berlin; Germany  
> Tel.: +49/30/89789-307; Fax.: +49/30/89789-114
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