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Re: st: Collapsing ward-level electoral data

From   Richard Williams <>
Subject   Re: st: Collapsing ward-level electoral data
Date   Mon, 22 Mar 2004 23:21:31 -0500

At 02:51 AM 3/23/2004 +0000, Clive Nicholas wrote:

What I want to do is 'collapse' this ward-level data into constituencies
("const"). As you can see, each constituency has its own number. Trouble
is, how can I achieve this whilst summing the votes, averaging the turnout
("turn"), keeping the same "year", "city" and "dist" and so forth?
How about something like

collapse (sum) vote (mean) turn, by (id year city dist const)

If I follow you correctly, each record is uniquely defined by the combo of id, year, city, dist, const and ward. So, you leave ward out of the by, and you will collapse across wards. Or am I not following you correctly?

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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