Dear fellows !
I have two functions :
i) f1[x_]:= Exp[-(x-y)^2/(2*(s^2))];
ii) f2[x_]:= .1/(x + .1);
s = 1;
y = 1;
now I make convolution-integral:
ff[d_]:=NIntegrate[f1[d-x] f2[x],{x,0,d}];
now I plot the three functions with:
// all the syntax is from mathematica //
this is a new way to "compose" two functions,not additive as I always did
with LevenbergMarquardt,now I have composition in the way of convolution!
-I try to change parameters s and y to "fit" measurement-curve.
my question:
is there a deconvolution-possibility in Stata ??
with -denormix- I don't have the possibility of de-convolution
in the sense of above,despite it was useful to get to know it.
andreas aschbacher
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