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st: RE: Multiple Response Analisys

From   "Jann, Ben" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Multiple Response Analisys
Date   Mon, 22 Mar 2004 09:39:57 +0100

Try -mrtab-. I don't know how well it performs if you have "hundrets" of codes (-mrtab- internally generates a dummy for each code and, therefore, might be quite memory consuming in your case). Please let me know if you encounter any problems, and I'll see what I can do about it. To install -mrtab-, type

 . ssc install mrtab


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] 
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Americo
> Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2004 8:20 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: Multiple Response Analisys
> Hi, colisters.
> I have a problem on analizing a multiple response variable of a
> Domiciliary Survey.
> It consists in a variable with hundreds of possible responses, and
> each one of them assumes an alfanumeric code. Now, I have the same
> variables in numeric codes, if it helps for something.
> The big problem is that there were some subjects that
> answered more than one response up to the number of 6 responses for
> the same variable.
> So, now I have a database with 6 variables for the same question in 6
> diferent colums (J02, J03, J04, J05, J06 and J07).
> If there was just a few possible codes, I could make a few 
> dummies for each
> code and analize them separately, but as there are hundreds of
> them, it is impossible to me to analize them as dummies 
> variables for each
> possible code.
> When I try to get the frequencies of those codes I only know 
> how to get
> the frequencies of each colum, using the svy commands, but have no
> idea on how to have all of them analized at the same time.
> As I have each one of the codes listed on any of the 6 colums 
> depending on the
> order of response, I will lose data if I analise each columm 
> separated.
> In SPSS I know what I could do to avoid this problem. I would 
> make a Multiple Response Set,
> grouping all the colums in a set that would be analized at the same
> time to calculate the frequencies. But I have no idea on how to do
> the same thing with Stata.
> If someone know how to group sets of variables to be
> analized together, please help me.
> Thanks on advance,
> Americo F. Pelicioni
> Epidemiology Professor
> S�o Paulo - Brazil
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