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Re: st: RE: other Stata Netcourses?

From   "Christopher W. Ryan" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: other Stata Netcourses?
Date   Sun, 21 Mar 2004 15:20:58 -0500

Hmmm, you may be right. The topics you describe are the sort of things I was talking about. I'll have to look into it. Thanks.


[email protected] wrote:

Hello Christopher,
Perhaps it's a different use of the word programming that causes you to feel
you are not interested.  I took the 2nd netcourse (151), and it followed
very nicely upon the first course.  It dealt with how to define a program
(=make a do file), how to organize your work on a project, how to read in
data (various forms), how to check for inconsistencies in the data, recoding
(creating new vars from original vars), cumulating, merging datasets,
splitting/subsetting datasets, dealing with dates & times, string variables,
bootstrapping standard errors, updating Stata, finding out about analytic
techniques, and so on.  Some analytic procedures (e.g., regress) are used
along the way, although it is not at all a statistics course.  The examples
are useful.
For graphics, if you type -help graph_intro- and follow the suggestions
there, you will get a very good introduction to graphics.
Ann Arbor VA
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