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st: RE: other Stata Netcourses?

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: other Stata Netcourses?
Date   Sun, 21 Mar 2004 18:57:12 -0000

The courses listed at

are, I think, the same as those courses ever 
offered in the past. I can't speak for StataCorp 
intentions about the future. 


Christopher W. Ryan
> I always see two Stata Netcourses offered--an intro level 
> course, and a 
> course on programming.  They have course numbers, like in 
> college, and 
> they are not sequential.  So does anyone know if there are other Net 
> courses to be offered in the future?  Personally, I'm beyond 
> the intro 
> stage (though not by much), but have no need yet of programming. 
> Looking for an intermediate course.  I'd love to see a Netcourse on 
> Stata graphics!  (I don't think I can make it to the NASUG 
> meeting this 
> year, for the graphics course there.)

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