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st: Using weights with tabulate command

From   A Castelli <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Using weights with tabulate command
Date   Thu, 18 Mar 2004 15:57:14 -0000

Dear All,
I have a very simple query. I am doing very simple statistics using the
'tabulate' command. I have to use a weight to adjust for unit
nonresponse and to sample up my data to match population totals.
My data include a variable for country (England, Scotland and Wales), so
what I am interested in is in sorting my data by country and then use
the tab command to get the frequency to any other variable for each
single country. 
I need now to weight my data, weight is provided by the survey. The
weight looks like '1734.61'. It has been told to me by ONS (UK) that it
represents roughly the number of households with a certain type of
characteristics. I am using individual data, hence individual within a
household have all be assigned the same weight.
I do the following:
.- sort by country
.- by country: tab illness (one of my variables) [w=weight01]
I get in return the following error message
-> country = england
(frequency weights assumed)
may not use noninteger frequency weights

This error message appears only when I use the tab command and not with
say the sum command.
Since I do need to get some information in the way I just said, I wonder
if anyone out there could be of some help to me.
Please, bear in mind that I am a very new user.
Thank you very much for any help you will be able to provide.

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