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RE: st: OT: your favorite math equations editor

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: OT: your favorite math equations editor
Date   Wed, 17 Mar 2004 23:50:16 -0500

At 04:57 PM 3/17/2004 -0800, Wallace, John wrote:

the menu Insert -> Object... and pick "Microsoft Equation 3.0" from the
list.  It takes a little getting used to (if you want spaces, you need to
select the "text" character style, rather than the default "Math" style" but
otherwise it's pretty intuitive to use.
Actually, you can hit Control-Shift-Space, or use the spaces and ellipses palette menu. This, and all sorts of handy other tips (which I just came across tonight) can be found at

More info on Mathtype and Equation Editor, along with a free 30 day trial version of Mathtype, can be found at

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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