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Re: st: appended tex-tables?

From   Antoine Terracol <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: appended tex-tables?
Date   Wed, 17 Mar 2004 16:52:29 +0100


I think the best way would be to use -outreg- with the -append- option to create a text file with multiple columns, and then to read this text file into excel and use the excel2latex freeware ( to convert the table to LaTeX format.

If your model has multiple equation, the intercepts sometimes get mixed-up, be careful.


Jan Pettersson wrote:

Dear all!

I would like to use -outtex- to present regression results in a tex table.
However, I have four regressions that I would like to append horisontically,
as when using -outreg, append-, and outtex does not allow for this. Since
cutting and pasting in tex-tables is fairly cumbersome, I guess the
alternative is to use parmest and then make a tex-table from that output.
However, in this case, one would need some labour in order to get, say,
standard errors in parenthesis, and to appear below coefficient estimates.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Kind regards,
Jan Pettersson

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