some time (long time) ago i hacked together an ado that allows you
transpose the tables that outreg creates...
you can get it from my usersite
. net from
. net install tabxpose
then do
. tabxpose using tab.out
. outsheet using tabnew.out, nonames noquote
isn't beautiful, but it works...
(hope this is what you meant)
On Wed, 17 Mar 2004, Jan Pettersson wrote:
> Dear all!
> I would like to use -outtex- to present regression results in a tex table.
> However, I have four regressions that I would like to append horisontically,
> as when using -outreg, append-, and outtex does not allow for this. Since
> cutting and pasting in tex-tables is fairly cumbersome, I guess the
> alternative is to use parmest and then make a tex-table from that output.
> However, in this case, one would need some labour in order to get, say,
> standard errors in parenthesis, and to appear below coefficient estimates.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Jan Pettersson
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