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Re: st: Re: How do I get rid of that line beneath my axes?

From   Ernest Berkhout <[email protected]>
To   [email protected], <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Re: How do I get rid of that line beneath my axes?
Date   Wed, 17 Mar 2004 10:13:43 +0100

At 03:46 17/03/2004, Scott Merryman wrote:
I believe the sub-option you want is -axis(off)-, unfortunately this only works
with the -over()- option not -by()-.

However, does this produce what you want?

. clear

. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)

. gen foo = 1

. graph bar (mean) mpg trunk, over(foo, axis(off)) by(rep) scheme(economist)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ernest Berkhout" <[email protected]>
> I have a barchart, that is actually multiple barcharts because i use the
> 'by'-option, graphed with the economist-style sheet. I get nice white
> horizontal gridlines, ranging from -1 to 3. But below the lowest gridline
> is another _black_ horizontal line that i want to disappear.
> As i understand it right, this must be at the bottom of the outer
> plot-region? But it won't disappear if i specify
> "plotregion( lwidth(none) )"
> either inside or outside the "by()"-construct. What am i missing??
Thank you Scott, this at least solved my problem! I will document this, because one does not come to such a trick from studying the manual, next time one needs it.
Still strange that there is no straight-forward way to turn of that bottom axis either inside or outside the by-construct, where one would expect it to be along with the other options like grids, labels etc. Is this already on a wish-list at Stata's, or is it just technically impossible?

Ernest Berkhout
SEO Amsterdam Economics
University of Amsterdam

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