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st: RE: chitesti -- latest version -- findit

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: chitesti -- latest version -- findit
Date   Thu, 11 Mar 2004 09:04:51 -0000

Sorry, you are out of luck. 

1. -chitesti.ado- and -chitest.ado- were 
rewritten by me at nearly midnight local 
time on 11 March 2004. I regret that other 
demands on my time, including sleep, mean 
that I have not yet forwarded those files 
to Kit Baum for inclusion in SSC. In turn
there will be a delay until Kit finds time 
to put them up in the package -tab_chi- 
on SSC. 

2. The version you quote, in an earlier version 
of the package on the Stata Corp website, is 
for Stata 6, but will not be further updated by me. 

User-programmers must make their own decisions 
about maintaining multiple versions of programs. 
For example, if I rewrite something for Stata 8
that previously would work under an earlier 
version, either the earlier version remains 
accessible in a different place or the earlier 
version is renamed so that it remains accessible
to users of versions < 8. However, that earlier version 
is then frozen henceforth. More generally, I write 
Stata programs for the current version and put some 
of them in the public domain, but I have no assistance, 
no funding, no resources and no time available to justify 
_maintaining_ versions of older programs for people 
using earlier versions of Stata. Even if each individual 
change is trivial, the total burden would be too much. 

Hence you are stuck until you update to Stata 8, 
unless you copy the Stata 6 programs and change all the 
-gen- of numeric variables to -gen double-, which  
you are most free to do. 

[email protected] 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of 
> Benoit Dulong
> Sent: 11 March 2004 08:25
> To: statalist
> Subject: st: chitesti -- latest version -- findit
> On 10 March 2004, I posted a message :
> chitesti -- warning -- expected.
> On 10 March 2004, N.J. Cox gave a pricise explanation to my problem.
> (thank you again Mr. Cox).  Also, N.J. Cox gave a solution :
> " I just rewrote -chitest- and -chitesti-
>   to use doubles throughout ".
> I would like to use the latest version of --chitesti--,
> the version that is programmed in double precision.
> The command --findit chitesti-- brought me to
> package tab_chi from
> tab_chi  Tabulation and chi-square test programs.
> Programs by Nicholas J. Cox, Durham University <[email protected]>.
> Statalist distribution, 22 March 1999.
> **********************************************************************
> How can I get the latest version of --chitesti--,
> the version that is programmed in double precision ?
> Rem.
> I use Stata 7 with Mac OS 9.
> (Stata 8 and Mac OS X are not installed yet...)
> Thank you.
> BD.
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