statistics etc.). The question is if it is right to
use the corr2data command to create three (or more)
independent samples for A, B and C arms with given
mean, SE and N to obtain via regression two betas and
two SEs (B vs. A and C vs. A). I know that I could use
only two arms for each meta-analysis ( B vs. A, C vs.
A and so on) but I think that this would induce some
multiple comparison error so I decided that I have to
calculate all possible betas of each study ( B vs. A,
C vs. A and so on) simultaneously.
I think you could. You would run corr2data multiple times to create each
of the fake data sets, adding an indicator to each data set to indicate
which group it was (e.g. gen group = 1, gen group = 2, etc.) Then, combine
all the files together.