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st: mvsumm

From   "de la Garza, Adrian" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: mvsumm
Date   Fri, 5 Mar 2004 17:23:46 -0500

Dear Stata users,

I am using Chris Baum's and Nick Fox's -mvsumm- and I'd like to know if
there is a way to account for averages (or any other desc stats) when
there are missing observations (e.g., the way -collapse- accounts for
them). What I mean  is the following: 

1990   .
1991   .
1992   3
1993   4
1994   5
1995   5
1996   4
1997   6
1998   5
1999   3
2000   4
2001   5
2002   6 
2003   .

If I use -mvsumm- to generate 5-year moving averages, I'd like it to
even give me a number in year 1994 (when there are already 5
observations to compute the average, even though 2 are missing--so the
generated number would be the average of 3, 4, and 5) and also in 2003
(which would be the average of 3, 4, 5, and 6). Is this possible?

Thank you.

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