Dear fellows !
it did not last very long ......
say I have two columns :
in first column 24 years numerated
in second column average temperatures ->
i temp
1 7.9
2 8.1
3 8.8
4 .... and so on/temp in ascending order
I know about index order : x1,L x2,L x3,L ......................
x3,U x2,U x1,U
how to compute midsummaries and h-spread,e-spread,d-spread,c-spread,b-spread
most quickly ????
I know I am "bothersome" but I don't have course:programming in Stata yet !
from lv.ado its too hard for me at this time
many greetings from austria to all heavy-stata-workers in the world !
andreas aschbacher
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