Experience is a hard teacher
because she gives the test first,
the lesson afterwards
> > Now I know why I posted this "stupid" question :
> >
> > 1)
> > -qui sum var1
> > -scalar s = r(sum)
> > works as well as :
> > 2)
> > - qui summ var1
> > - scalar s = r(sum)
> >
> > I know about qui and summ(arize),
> > but why does delineation 1) work as well ?????? /same results
> > I am a little bit confused !
> In the same vein...
> qui su var1
> scalar s = r(sum)
> would also work, the point I think you've missed is to do with the
> abbreviation of
> commands.
> All three examples are 'expanded' by Stata to read
> quietly summarize var1
> scalar s = r(sum)
> The key is to look at the letters in the syntax diagram for the command
> you are using
> which are underlined (see man -summarize-). These indicate the minimum
> abbreviation of the command name that is allowed. Thus the man page for
> -describe-
> underlines just d (formatting ommited to avoid enriching the text) so....
> d
> de
> des
> desc
> descr
> descri
> describ
> describe
> are all the same to Stata in the same way as -sum- and -summ- invoke the
> same
> command (i.e. -summarize-)
> HTH's
> Neil
> Neil Shephard
> Genetics Statistician
> ARC Epidemiology Unit, <a
href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=University&v=55">University</a> of Manchester
> [email protected]
> [email protected]
> "Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it
> were so it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's
> logic" - Tweedledee (Alice Through the Looking Glass)
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