Dear Nick,
thanks for your very helpful suggestion on -separate- and -labutil- !
One thing I was not able to resolve, though, is how to get the legend
labels "automated". The way I understand the -legend- option in -twoway
line- is that the -legend- option only allows to change
labels one by one, so it does not seem to be possible to attach
pre-defined labels as if it were value labels.
One has to specify the legend with each single label in brackets
(e.g. legend(label (1 "Employees") (2 "Self-Employed") )
which does not seem to lend itself to sdavemthing like
where mylabel is a "standard" value label
Is there a workaround for this as well?
Cheers, Sascha
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 13:23:39 -0000
From: "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
Subject: st: RE: looping over a series of line plots
Something like this may help. In this
- -labnoeq- is in -labutil- on SSC.
foreach v of var <whatever> {
collapse `v', by(year occ)
separate `v', by(occ) short
local vars "`r(varlist)'"
labnoeq `vars'
local vlabel "`:variable label `v''"
twoway line `vars' year, ///
xtitle("Year") ytitle(`vlabel') ///
title("`vlabel'-type of occupation")
[email protected]
Sascha O. Becker
I have micro data on individuals and the following variables:
different wage and income measures, working status (3 categories) and
year I and would like to plot trends in all of those wage and income
measures across occupations and produce simple line plots.
Since I want to produce a whole series of similar plots, I was
looking for a smart way to save on code but I got stuck.
Here is what I do to produce a single graph (my question follows below
the code):
collapse wage, by(year occ);
g wageocc1=wage if occ==1;
g wageocc2=wage if occ==2;
g wageocc3=wage if occ==3;
collapse (sum) wageocc*, by(year);
twoway line wageocc* year,
ytitle("Hourly Wage")
title("Hourly Wage by type of occupation")
legend(label (1 "Employees") (2 "Self-Employed") (3 "Not
******* END OF CODE
My question is how I might automatize a whole series of graphs.
Here is what I thought I could do:
foreach var in varlist {
collapse `varname', by(year occ);
twoway line `varname'occ* year,
ytitle(-variable label-) <<------- Here I would like to have
the variable label of that variable which I currently loop about
title(-variable label-"type of occupation") <<------- Here I
would like to have the variable label
of that variable which I currently
looped about
legend(label (1 "Employees") (2 "Self-Employed") (3 "Not
employed"); <<------- Here I would like to have the
labels of the working
status/occupation variable, so
something like -legend (label occlabel)-
However, it seems that I do not get this to work the way I want: e.g.
the -legend- option only allows to change
labels one by one, so it does not seem to be possible to attach
pre-defined labels.
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